Invited Lecture 1.7
Title: Current status of AI based automated planning and virtual patient-specific QA in radiotherapy
Date: 11th October 2024
Time: 03:00pm – 03:15pm
Venue : Ballroom 1 (Level 10)
- Hafiz Zin
Speaker: Asst. Prof. Dr. Noriyuki Kadoya (Japan)

In recent years, research and social implementation of AI applications in the field of radiation therapy has progressed, and the number of applications in clinical use is increasing. We developed the AI-based automated planning and virtual patient-specific QA methods(1-7). In this presentation, I will introduce the current status and future direction of AI based automated planning and virtual patient-specific QA in radiotherapy, including our development status.
I will also discuss with the audience what the role of medical physicists should be as radiation therapy AI becomes more widespread.